Friday, April 30, 2010

Me and My Dad Hanging Mirrors

This might not seem like the biggest deal to an outsider, but hanging mirrors with my dad was special... and fun. And the word "bastard" was only used once, which was directed towards a mirror. My mom was super nice enough to buy me two fancy mirrors for the Luck Cabin, both of which I decided to put in my bathroom.

The first one was rather easy being it was small and only needed one hook to be hung.
The second big mirror, we pulled out a leveler, made notches on the wall, made use of the tape measure again and again- and generally I followed my dad down a path of perfectionism (a path I rarely take anymore)...
I would have left the thing crooked, but he wanted it done right. He said "I only want to ever do this once."
I am not sure I am prepared to see my own face this much when brushing my teeth or bathing or churning my composting toilet, but I guess I bettah' get ready!!! Doesn't it look so beautiful - my mom has such good taste and my dad did an awesome job making them perfectly straight. :) Yay for my family!