Well folks, this is my latest chocolate bouquet! What do you think? I really would appreciate your input!
And secondly, maybe you can tell me how you feel about this as well~I'm going to get on the ball and make a book! A chocolate bouquet book!
Leave me a comment and tell me what you think!
My hubby has been encouraging me to do so for some time now, and to be honest, the biggest obstacles I face are:
1. I'm only HALF computer literate! That means, I have no idea how to go about uploading my book to the internet!
2. The ideas I come up with are straight from....MY BRAIN! Since you all know that I have Blon roots, you TOTALLY understand what the problem is there! Us Blons have to work twice as hard to make sense of things, which means it is going to be A LOT OF WORK!!!!!
But I guess that ALSO means that everyone already knows what a challenge this will be for me, so they'll be lining up at the library computers, office computers and their friends' home computers to get my book!
And that brings me to the third obstacle, which won't really be a problem for me at all! It will be a problem for everyone else!!!!!
How are y'all gonna keep everyone is a straight, single file line, with no cutting?
Here's an idea!
Put up barricades!
Or stanchions!
Or, if you want to keep them in line in a first class manner, how about velvet ropes?
Any will work, I'm sure!
So anyway! Please leave me a comment-what would you think of how-to book on chocolate bouquets?
And one last question, which I'd appreciate your input on:
Thanks everyone! And don't forget to leave a comment! =)