Monday, April 4, 2011

They're BAccckkkk!

Another sunny day! Today I was planting seeds (in the garden beds and tree stumps)... which is always fun- but while i was putting new food into the ground i found a bunch of herbs I planted last year coming back up! This is when it feels like all the work paid off... not that it was ever work. Quite some hardy organic herbs here, because they had to withstand cold down to -20 degrees F, no sunshine at all, and feet of snow and ice piling & melting and piling again. **************************************************************** ......... Introducing the Luck Cabin's herb gardens :::: * catnip! (above) oregano! (below)
winter savory even lived!
some kind of fancy purple sage...
and comfrey (can not live without it, it is instant bee sting relief!)
lavender... for washing my hair in!
Thyme!!!! mmmm
Bee balm (the red and the magenta kind)...
all my mints, including chocolate!
sage :)))
and Yarrow (i use in my homemade bug repellent oil!)
YAY!!!!!! There is lemon balm and hyssop and goji berries that came back too... the dwarf fruits trees i planted last summer are making leaves and flower blooms. This is when i feel like i am in heaven.

