I went to our local Farmers Co-op today to pick up some hay for JuJu the donkey, but when i got inside the building to pay there was a cage next to the counter full of little rabbits! The signs on the cage said were that they were "meat rabbits" and also "just in time for Easter"?? I didn't care, all i knew was i was going to take the two cutest ones home with me. Not for meat. And not for Easter.
The black bunny is most friendly, the spotted one likes to thump his foot, zip around and send me signals of fear and loathing.
Even though in recent times i have started to lose the illusion that I am somehow saving animals from a worse fate (cause mainly how can i judge the fate of nature, really?) ... but still there is a part of me that wants to take all the animals home with me, love them all, make them all comfortable, make it so they have a peaceful life. Maybe it's a biological/maternal thing, they are all my babies , I really just can not help myself!
What would ya'll like to name the two bunnies? (NOT sambo (explained above)! and Salt & Pepper has been suggested!)